Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Sixteen Ton What Do You Get?"

I am sure that Mr. Ford never intended that tune as a dietary inspiration but unfortunately this has always been the tune that runs through my mind when ever the dreaded D word rolls around in my mind! DIET! AARRGGHH! Another thing I must deal with!

Some years ago I developed my own diet plan and refer to it according to the above ditty. I call it the 16 stone diet! HAHAHA I know it is funny, but it works for me! I drove off about 75 pounds in just under a year. That was great, then I let them just creep right back in and I believe they brought a couple of Friends!

So back to it I must dedicate, for my health is reminding me that I am a very mortal creature and need to pay attention! Writing this today is hereby declaring that I am embarking on said mission!

This is a chip out of a painting by one of my favorite artists : Duane Breyers, anyone know the name of this beauty? Hint: mid 1900's

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