Monday, March 24, 2008

I Sure Do (Did) Love Ann Landers! Who You Say?

Yup, I said Ann Landers! I know she is gone now but it doesn't change the wisdom of her words! I would skip everything in the paper on some days and still go back to read her column. Recently during a debate, the subject "maturity" became the center of rounds! A couple of days later low and behold I pull this clipped gem out of an old calender book. It is so yellow I can barely read it, so I am inspired to put it in writing to carry it on! I have no idea who the author is, but kudos to the hammer on that nail!

Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence.
Maturity is patience, the willingness to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of long term gain.
Maturity is perseverance, the ability to sweat out a project or a situation in spite if heavy opposition and discouraging setbacks.
Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort and defeat without complaint or collapse.
Maturity is being big enough to say "I was wrong." And, when right need not experience the satisfaction of saying "I told you so!"
Maturity is the ability to make a decision and stand by it. The immature spend their whole lives exploring endless possibilities and then do nothing.
Maturity means dependability, keeping ones word and coming through in a crisis. The immature are masters of the alibi! They are confused and conflicted. Their lives are a maze of broken promises , former friends, unfinished business and good intentions that never materialize.
Maturity is the art of living in peace with what we cannot change, the courage to change what should be changed and the wisdom to know the difference!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Running As Fast As I Can!

My G Daughter came to stay with us for awhile. I have spent the last few days trying to reacquaint myself with the school system. Whew! I feel like I have run a marathon! LOL!

I also have been trying to get some things set to get the garden going. I cannot make up my mind what to put into my little space this year. I do not plant veggies, just plants and flowers, but I am tired of replanting. I am ready for some perennials!

I feel mighty accomplished just by getting all my Easter off in the mail on time to get to it's destinations. Woo-hoo! I even managed to get a little something for MY Hunny Bunny too!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I Just Love Life Out Loud!

Keeps me too busy to whine! What a whirlwind week I have had, I have stretched myself just a smidgen! HAHAHA! Oh well, as I said above, I am LOUD!

I have been looking at a blue screen on our monitor for almost a year now. We have never even seen our vacation pictures in real color! Eventually, the edges of the screen started warping in and out with a flickering reminiscent of an old florescent bulb, I had to admit, we were going to lose our monitor soon. It finally flat lined and stubbornly stayed that way after much cajoling and whining I had to unplug it and have a reserve unit brought up. A very kind friend had given it to me when I mentioned my blue screen. Alas; where the h--l is that freakin cord? Never to be seen again I am sure! So now the quest begins...

After much searching, high and low, a few days without and cost analysis, I ended up with a fine replacement supplied by a local Second Hand shop. I do so love this little spot, I will not divuldge it's identity for fear of others tresspassing on my sacred hunting grounds! HAHAHA! But seriously, strictly need to know okay...

Anyway, I am very happy to be back on the highway again, and yes I am trying to stay out of the way as I chug-a-lug along, but I do so love to cruise around! LOL!

I certainly was not bored during my off line period. I went gonzo in the studio and played with some really cool ideas and tried some new stuff, with some really interesting and fun results. I am going to have a couple of pieces ready for the fair for sure, I even finished a cool piece for one of my friends.

Off I go, I have paint dry and pieces calling me, I will be posting new pictures on my 360.