Sometimes the simplest little statements can trigger the most bizarre memories and thoughts about who you are and where you came from. The stuff that makes up the baseline things you do and how you react and behave can come from the smallest influences.
Having a conversation with my friend the other day, she says something about getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and then I made the statement that I never get up in the middle of the night unless it is an emergency or there is just something not right. She was curious as to how and why that is and I knew immediately that the reason was just as simple too. When I was young, there was a time when we did not have running water in our house, so that meant that we had an outhouse for our “business”. Trust me, when you live way out in the “boonies”, there are plenty of things that go bump in the night for REAL.
My dad had gotten a piece of property, by life circumstance, and he had to make the best of it. He brought in a bulldozer and cleared a pad out from the surrounding hillsides that left us smack in the middle of a giant horseshoe. The dirt walls were an average of about 6-8 feet most of the way around us. It was plenty big enough for us, but was probably only an acre or so at best. One thing for sure though, it was in the boonies! No neighbors, no electricity and no running water! We did have a big double wide mobile home, but again, no water, etc… It was given to my dad in exchange for some work, needless to say, it was not in the best condition to begin with, by the time they mangled, oops, I mean wrangled, it into position it definitely had very serious issues to say the least.
One night I had been in trouble already with a steady case of the trottins, so I prepared ahead of time with one of my Dad’s flashlights right at hand. Sure enough I awoke with a start, jumped outta bed and headed off, almost forgetting the light as I ran. I doubled back and grabbed it, terrified I was never going to make it all the way across the yard already. I ran all the way without even turning that damn light on, just by heart and the light of the moon. It really was close but I made it and was sitting there for a VERY long time, when suddenly I heard something walking around. I called out, but heard nothing in reply. No need, I already knew!
A couple of weeks back my Dad had already had an incident where he had opened the back door and just "hung it" outside to take a quick midnight release, when he looked up just in time to realize he was about to wiz in the face of a mountain lion staring back at him. Because of the proximity of the trailer and the hillside, they were eye to eye! His gut reaction was to just slam the door closed! By the time he grabbed his rifle and got back, the cat was long gone. Of course that only means for the night, because we knew our house was smack in the middle of his territory already. The same cat already had been around for several episodes in our lives! He would be wound in through my life for years, my Dad tried in vain to shoot him MANY times!
My Dad had put the little white pot house right up against the cut side of our mountain pad, as far from the house as possible, for obvious reasons. But that sure didn’t help me out any right now, at all! I could here him out here, just barely the slightest sound as the occasional rock moved or dirt shifted. Just enough to let me know he was still out there. First I shouted, even beat on the sides of the little hut, but I knew he was still out there. I finally tried to open the door just a bit, and shone out that light, I didn’t see a thing, just as I stepped out, I caught a flash from the corner of my eye and I dove back into the doorway! I started screaming now, DADDYYYYYY!!!
It took about a good 20-30 minutes before someone finally heard me and came out to my rescue! Of course the cat was long gone by then and I just looked like a ditz! But I still NEVER get out of bed to go to the bathroom at night!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
HOLY SHIT!!! That was a great story!!! I would have been scared to death.