Math? Who Needs That Stink’n Math?
“Who really ever uses math anyway? Why do I need it?”
Well, here’s one for you!
I know that some people might not really grasp what it means to get by with hard time economics, but I recently had to go through this one, and so, I thought that I might share it. It could enlighten someone, not only with a glimpse into the meaning of “hard time economics”, but also, offer up an answer to that age old debating question of “ What the hell am I ever going to use all this math crap for out in the real world anyway”! [Hint: Survive!!]
Due to recent catastrophic finances, my Daughter and I had to figure out exactly how much we needed to have, for a two week period, of one of the most precious of household necessities. TOILET PAPER!! Let me ask you, do you know how many sheets you require per bathroom visit? Do you know how many times a day you use the bathroom? How many sheets are on a roll, of the brand you buy? How many times can and do you use public vestiges or even friend’s homes. Could you increase these numbers, so that you can cut out some of your own home usage? How would you tolerate toilet paper rationing? These are things to consider when you do not have money!
First, there are four children under the age of 10 and then one that is 17, and 2 adults (when I am there). So, through experimentation, we have deduced that it requires the girls (3) at least 6 sheets per wipe. Since I require the boys to wipe as well, “air dry” and “shaking” do not cut it when I’m doing the laundry! So, even though the boys use less, I will just use the figures from the girls for the whole formula. Then I do some rounding, cause a little extra is always a good thing, just in case! Because of sensitivities, we are forced to buy unscented, lint resistant papers, which are always a tad bit more, so the math here is mainly for quantity. Cost will vary greatly. You will get the idea anyway.
Per person: 6 sheets per wipe, 1 trip for #2 = 2 wipes, 2 trips for #1 = 2 wipes for a grand total of
4 wipes per day X 6 sheets = 24 sheets per person, (round that to 30 sheets per, just in case).
1 roll is approx 400 sheets (double rolls) so, 400 sheets divides by 30 = 13.3 lets just call it 12 trips per roll. 7 people X 4 wipes X 14 days = 392, let’s call it 400. So now we have 400 divided by 12 = 33.3, we call that 34 rolls, packages come 12 rolls to a pack, so we need 3 packages of 12 double rolls for a 2 week period.
Now, if we can just figure out how to get by on the 2 packages we actually had enough money for! First, we are accepting no visitors, then, well, we have school, offices, friends, etc…!!
Now that’s math in the REAL WORLD!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
Wow, that's a lot of time on your hands for math. I have always wondered about doing that same equation in my house...