They become mighty prolific! Yes indeedy!
Oh, it usually starts innocently enough. For instance the new home owner faced with a void of greenery, usually runs out and grabs cases and flats of nursery specials. Totally unaware that in just a couple of short years these same little darlings will be producing more than their flowers! In my case, I moved into a new residence and the exterior was devoid of (healthy) vegetation. So I felt compelled to begin nursing and preening everything as well as add numerous new fill ins!
So, here I am now headed into my third season, up here in my castle upon this lovely mountain. And I swear I must have been outta my mind planting all this "STUFF" OMG! It is consuming way too much of my time and resources here! I spend hours now instead of minutes watering, pruning and yanking out undesirables! I am sure they even somehow brought in outsiders, because I didn't plant all those bulbs!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
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