Recently, I had some other blogs, pages and group postings that I had started. This was primarily because I was helping a group of associates explore some new avenues of communication and announcements of their merchandise, events and news. This was mainly at their own behest mind you, not just
me pulling this out of my ..., anyway... so I had begun establishing, building and filling content on same said pages/sites for the last few weeks. Well, I was pretty darn proud of my little "fledglings", so I thought to myself..."Hey, I have enough stuff going on here, I just need some traffic!" So I set about inviting all the people that were directly associated with the same said "group" of people that I was "webbing" for /about.
HHHMMM.... sounds about right doesn't it?
Well let me tell you how it
really went
down! (Literally)
Shortly after sending out my electronic invitations to friends and Romans, about 24 hours later, I received a
copy of a group E-mailing. This E mail was worded in an urgent manner, for the others to immediately
explore these sites and pages
thoroughly and to report back to their leader as soon as possible! The language was such that you would believe it to be a
OMG!! What have I done? I quickly went to these websites and began scouring them for whatever atrocities I had committed! I read them over and over, no, I do not think I had insulted anyone. I had not used nary a one of the "forbidden" words
anywhere! I had not used anything that I thought could be misconstrued in any way that
I could find! My pictures,
albeit not great, I did
not think were
degenerate! I read, re-read, rewrote, checked errant ads and whatever else I had on there! I spent about 4-5 hours at this the first evening I caught wind of a problem, then spent the entire next day
unable to get to my computer! Trust me though, it was all I could blather on about all day to anyone that would listen! What had I done?
That evening, I received "The Call" from the leader....
After all that sweating over my
content, here is what the problem was...
If you clicked onto some of the
links contained in
MY various sites, such as "Joe Bloes Hobby Center">fan club>friends> Sam blue, you
could s
ometimes find
content that
some of the
others might find questionable! Maybe you would click on the moderators profile>links>myspace>friends, wow, now some real crappolla hit the fan there baby (can't pick family folks)!! Then, of course, lets
not leave out that on
one of these links, >there was a link> that led to another artists website> , that led to another profile>, that had a friend listed on it> that if you went to his webpage>, he had a song on his site that was rauncy! Yup, there it is, >
less than
6 degrees of seperation there!
So, there is nothing wrong with
my content? NO,NO,NO! CONT RARE!
But, you
cannot have
links on OUR PAGE, that
could lead to
other sites, where there
may be links, images or written content that
we might find objectional and do not want to be associated with! So the writing "thing" is okay, on the
ONE site,
but you
will have to remove
all those links. "Oh' and that "Random Art Slide Show" ( like the one on
this page) that links to a site called "Flickr"?
That definitely
MUST be removed, and the moderator or controller or
whatever of that site should be contacted. Someone needs to be checking their content because some of their so called art is just pornographic and should not be
allowed to be presented as art! We
cannot be associated with
these types of websites!" You can however, continue to write on the
ONE website if you remove that "Flickr" images link as well as the other links and then submit your writing for
approval before posting! As for the other web presentations, there are
far too many objectionable links on them and are not going to be acceptable. You really will have to take them down. Also, be sure any future endeavers are approved and cleared through us before proceeding or postings!
UUHHH...... the whole comunication, links, contacts, networking, reaching out to the community concept here folks......
After arguing for about an hour over this whole debacle, my brain was done and my internal timer went, DING!
HUH? Am I r
eally sitting here arguing, conjoling and
begging to be "
allowed" to continue doing this whole "webbing" thing
for these people? Are you
kidding? Spend
untold future hours preening, updating information, primpimg pages and blogging about them? The weeks have
already been sucked out of me! I haven't produced a
single piece of art in 2 months! I have already put into this
way more than I ever
intended...every bit of it for FREE! As a
Volunteer! Wait,
What? All for naught?
Please... Here, by all means, just let me get logged on... Alright, here we go, Let me take care of that for you...
CLICK! There you go, no more Myspace! What else? OH! Okay, CLICK, no more Craigslist! You really hate the Squidoo? Okay>CLICK>Gone! Here let me take of these others also, who needs Facebook, Wikipedia and Open Directory anyway?

Your right, uhh huh! Okay, sure thing, NO PROBLEM, yup, Good Night! Uhh Huh, Bye Now!.......
I cannot retrieve
those lost hours, ideas and energies, but I can
damn sure make sure I keep my
FREE efforts concentrated on my
own behalf from now on!