I admit, I knew in advance that going to Winco on Saturday was in itself the original bad idea here, but sometimes you just have to do the nasty chores. I was on a roll though because I had stopped off at my favorite little Thrift Shop to browse and had found a couple of trinkets and whatnots and was feeling pleased with myself. I had to make a dash on Wally World first and even though my basket cart wouldn't go more than 3 feet per minute, I was still in and out without too much ado. At least I had a cart, which was not the case by the time I got to Winco.
I trolled the parking lot for a minute or two looking for a cart (motorized) in case there was one incoming. I was not so lucky. I parked about mid aisle which was not so bad, but there was not a chance of a cart showing up, so I bit the bullet and started hoofing it. I only got as far as the produce section before I had a Herky-Jerky and scared the bejeebers out of everyone. At least the produce guy is used to me and stopped anyone from calling an ambulance!
As I made my way through the mass of people for thier choices I was reminded of when My Hunny was in the Army. On payday, the line for the Commissary started forming by 6A.M., there would be people lined up as far as you can imagine, all the way around the parking lot by the time the doors opened. They would only allow groups of 20 to enter at a time, if you were smart you had someone to get in line as soon as you got inside, so you could go shop. The lines would form and zig zag down every single aisle. If you got there after 9 A.M. or so, there would be very little selection, by noon you were lucky to find half of what you needed. That was even worse, because then you had to go do it all again somewhere in the "civilian" realm!
After selecting all my pampered little goodies, I smile a little smile and just lean on my cart and relax as I pull up my meagerly loaded cart behind a guy ranting and raving about the long lines, slow cashiers, too many people, etc... It is not even a blip on my scale, he has half a cart and the one in front of him was unloading. Just a stroll on the beach my dear!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
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