I'm quite sure that if you ask someone in sales about handing out samples, they will say that they really do work. I am a sucker for a good sample. The key word here is "good"of course. If I try something that I really like, I will go out of my way to obtain it again.
Recently, I found a small bottle of Meyers Dish soap, Geranium scent to be exact, at one of my favorite hunting grounds. I know that manufacturers give up goods to these discount places as a way to get rid of the merchandise they need to "dump" for whatever reason. I really don't mind that though, I just love a good bargain, hence my frequent trips to every bargain bin in our area. Anyway, so I bought this same said small bottle, mostly because I know of the brand from previous life experience and knew it was a great bargain. (I once was a nanny for a well-to-do couple, the lady of the house insisted that I shop where she dictated. Her credit card, I shop where she tells me to!) I only bought one bottle because of my tight budget and figured that if I liked it I would try to get back and get some more on payday. Well as it goes in my world. I LOVED, loved, loved the stuff and when I got back to the store, it was all GONE! AAARRGGGHHH!!
So now I have nearly used this small 8 oz bottle up, even though I have been as snigly as possible to achieve as much use out of it as possible. Now I had to go the extra distance and actually find a way to get my hands on more! So the people that make this magnificent product would be happy to know I just ordered a whole case of this product, to get the best deal possible, on it's way to uplift my spirits while immersed in my pile of dishes!
I know it sounds silly, but let me say, this stuff is really, no I mean really GREAT! It smells sooo good, I have investigated perfumes with "geranium" tones! How bad is that? I have to say, it even cuts the grease as well as my beloved Dawn! I have been preaching Dawn to my friends and family for years, even bought it for them to get them going! I can say though, if they want some of my Meyers they better whip out the credit card, I have the web site on my desktop, they even have free shipping! LOL! :)
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