Well, a recent trip home from the grocery store ended with an ample supply of pretty squashed up bread. So after all is said and done, do you really just throw it out to the 4 legged creatures when you still have 2 legged mouths to feed? Oh' I don't think so! My Dad would roll over in his fake wood box!
So I start the "Clem Cap" up, (my Dad's thinking genes in the old noggin) and I think about French Toast! But it is a little too pinched for that, so how about bread pudding? Okay, so how about some apples too? Well, little by little I came up with this one (below), which also takes extra special adaption for the fact that my oven is a Toaster Oven and needs some real recipe modification to begin with! But I will write it with temps for a REAL oven! LOL- Unless of course you want to know how to cook in your toaster oven, E-me! :)
"Squashed Bread Breakfast Bake"
6-7 slices of squished (or not) bread, cubed
5 eggs
1 red apple cubed small
1/8 cup orange juice (I used Sunny-D) :)
1/2 cup Half & Half
1/8 cup French Vanilla Liquid coffee creamer
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp cinnamon
2/3 cup sugar
3/4 cube butter
I put the apple in the OJ to keep it from getting brown while I mess around with everything else.
Preheat oven to 325, melt butter in bottom of casserole dish, generously coat sides and bottom of dish. Leave remaining butter in dish.
Whisk together eggs, sugar, cinnamon and dairy. Add apple, coat lightly then add bread cubes. Mix gently with wooden spoon or spatula as to not break up too much but ensuring a good wet down and mix. Pour all at once into casserole dish. Cover and cook for 30 minutes, remove cover and cook for 15 more. Remove from oven, cover with towel and let rest for 10 minutes or so. Mine actually sat for about 1/2 hour and was totally groovy!
Also, I would have put in some raisins but I don't have any!
We had it with Vanilla Ice Cream, was like apple pie! You can top as you choose! :)
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
Oh, that sounds good.