how can it be that long? Where did all that time go? I blink and a decade has gone by!
My Mother moved to Texas back then, to be closer to her family there. She was never really from California, she happened to landed here during her "Cattin" around days, and she just stayed! Yeah, my Mom has her own stories to tell I can say for sure! I have a chapter on some of her escapades, but I do not know that many, but the juciest one was when she was hanging out in a bar with ELVIS! Yeah, uh huh, that's right! My Mom and ELVIS! The REAL Elvis, the KING himself! Back in 57, Ft Chaffee, She was a singer/musician in a local band, there was drinking and a lot of fun but other than that, MOMS NOT TELLING! here she is. Now what to do for entertainment? I was so hoping to get her to go out to Cottonwood for the Inaugural Farmers Market friday, but she is scared of too much walking. I am still working on convincing her, I would love for her to come out and get a chance to appreciate my favorite local bands such as Still Married and Pine Dogs!
I'll be going all out either Sat or Sun to make a big "Mexican Food Night" for the "WHOLE" family, over at my Aunts house, it should be quite the challenge! At least I can make the beans and the meat the day before!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
How wonderful to be able to see her! Have a wonderful time.