Okay, So Maybe it is not really a conviction I hold to my soul, but I still feel a little like stamping my feet anyway! I was confronted with that yank on my chain yesterday. I admitted to consulting a deck of "Fairy Oracle" cards I enthusiastically brandish as a cute little entertaining tool for dispensing advice (primarily) to my G kids to someone at a social event. This led to an astonishing "admonishment" about how these things are against God and are inherently evil!
Some people just feel the need to poop on someone else’s good times!
Yeah, my Pastor told me that I should not bring my friends to church if they didn't have nicer clothes because it was insulting to God that they looked "SHABBY"! I don't like YOUR GOD! My GOD Doesn’t give a ratz azz what my friends are wearing so long as they are seeking positive energies for their SOULS!
No I do not believe that these innocent cards are going to lead my G kids or influence any of my friends to become Satan Worshipers or slaughter sacrificial animals! I do not believe that Harry Potter was written by a secret cult to indoctrinate children into Satanism either!
Back off you zealot freaks!
Here is what my G daughter’s card said for today's message from the FAIRIES!
"Raising Your Standards" The fairies ask you to concentrate on relinquishing negative thoughts and to affirm to yourself that you deserve the best and to set your sights ahead to higher goals! They encourage you to remember that all of Gods children deserve the richest rewards when committed to living by higher standards.
Evil, PURE EVIL I say!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago
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