This morning as I used my relic curling iron I looked at the package and realized the woman in the photo had a bouffant! Are you frickin serious? What year was this thing made? Let's see, I have had it since about 1983 and I believe my mother gave it to me. HHmmm, WELL! Maybe it is a little old! But it has interchangeable, different size curling heads AND it swivels so the cord doesn’t tangle! Where are you going to find something like that now? You would have to buy 3 different irons for crying out loud! I must admit, there is an element of fear though when I get that old dried out cord a little too close to the sink! LOL
The thing is, I haven’t used it until now in over two years, why bother?
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago