Okay, so 3 years ago I broke my neck while fixing my daughters Bronco, which I had no business up to my neck on in the first place! Long story here! So, a few lingering nerve issues later, well, more exactly, a bizzare one in 300,000 condition called Arachnoiditis w/ Myoclonic Dystonia! We just call it the Herky Jerky's! I am trying to get on with a life, live and do what I can to function and be as normal as I can.
I was actually doing okay, polishing up some old artist skills and trying out some cool new works! I even took First AND Second place again at a local County Fair! WooHoo!! Then comes the Mountain Road Man! What a wild one that is, tale that is, true, but incredible! Seems this guy Actually owned the road where we lived and was calling off all bets. see post 9/21/08, 9/25/08 for longer version. We were forced to move out suddenly, and thank GOD for our Step-Up-To-The-Home-Plate friends J&D, we have had a place to live since then. We are currently trying to purchase a house that we have had a bid in since Sept 9, 09, yup almost 6 months of sitting on our little hatchling of hope!
Now I had a disasterous Gallbladder issue that laid me up since Valentines Day with massive surgery, hospital and medication nightmares!
But here I am, I swear, I get knocked down, but I get up again! You ain't never gonna keep me down! :)
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago