We had a fair share and it is definately hanging around for a few days this time. The guys have been dutifully keeping the road clear, (even if I suspect that they rather enjoy it), and my Hubby has gone to work! What a hero, at least he is to me!
The worst experience for us out of the whole deal is the intermitant loss of our sattalite service! I know, big whine! I do not have ANY problem filling my time when without "outside" entertainment. I just head off straight into the studio! I have put out a couple of pieces that I like but I am right in the middle of a experimental stage. I have not tweaked it to my satisfaction yet and am having a blast playing. Unfortunately, as with all trial and error, there is the "error", which does not necessarily mean something really bad, just different!
I have recently begun trying to fulfill one of my New Years resolutions by writing more and learning how to "internet" my way along. Even posting here is part of that same said quest! I also resolved to create more art and to try to do one positive thing for myself everyday!
It's been bitterly cold here - when I say bitterly, I mean that relatively
speaking. Not like Nunavut or Fargo, but for here it's been quite cold. It
saps ...
3 weeks ago